Today I woke up to the sounds of geckos. That little sound is always so piercing and special. After a lovely breakfast and peaceful coffee, Marion and her family picked me up. We had planned to head out to country but unfortunately things did not go to plan. We had to implement a Plan B.
Instead, we spent the afternoon driving around Broome where I was shown all the country that Gubinge {Kakadu Plum} is harvested by the Yawuru people. Marion and Bruno work closely with so many different tribes and mob, helping coordinate the harvest, it is a collaborative approach, one where people want to pick and then get paid for what they have picked. Leah, Marion’s daughter, was telling me that even school kids get out there and pick to earn themselves a few extra dollars over the holiday period.
The beaches, the water and the cars..: this is Broome! Where there is an open beach there are cars, parked, pitched tents. The serenity, the calm and the peace is just jaw dropping. Wow, what I would do to own a 4WD and have the freedom to drive along beaches until my heart is content.
Even in just 3 hours I have already learnt so much more, about country, land and produce. I am humbled to be a part of this family and be able to take these stories on board to then share with everyone, you..
I am hoping to see Bruno, but I may now not. Not many people realise the fluidity and flexibility needed when working with Indigenous people while also the knowledge and respect that things change in a second. Their culture is strong. Respect will bring change.
Day 2 - It had a much more peaceful sleep after relocating hotels. I notice when I am away, on my own without my family, I am having much earlier nights. Like super early. Of course I am then up at the crack of dawn and ready to start the day.
I am making the most out of this spectacular beach side town and the Plan B option. A nice 5km walk along Cable Beach will do only positive things for the soul! After a lazy breakfast and catch up on emails, Marion and her family picked me up for a drive out country. I was instantly taken back to my first visit on country two and half years ago and that gorgeous red dust road, commonly known as Cape Leveque Road - 90km of unsealed road. Definitely Google this if you want a more in-depth picture of this spot! It is wild, red, dust. I was here again, this same spot. The added bonus was that the road wasn’t as full of pot holes compared to that in the wet season. Two and half years ago it was a meander around them. This time it was the usual 100km an hour drive down. Oi vey! But not a car in sight! And to think that they want to seal this road?!? We arrived at James Price Point, one of the most gorgeous coastlines this country has to offer. I never got to experience this spot last time so I was in for a treat. WOW! Words can not describe this spot. Words can not describe this country side. We discover Gubinge trees right up to the coast line. They are a little dry {a lot actually} but I am assured that as soon as the rain comes they will blossom! We do however spot a few trees with the beginnings of flowers.
A few campers are seen on the coastline. Not a bad spot! What a great spot actually! On the drive back we pull into Quandong Point for a fish. Good olde fish on a line. It wasn’t successful on this side, but boy, what a spot to have a yarn and just be at one. Thank you my gorgeous family. Humbled. Blessed. These are just the beginnings of my words. Been on country? Get out there!
Another day and the flowers are coming out. What a lovely surprise to go for a morning walk and see the beautiful buds of goodness beginning to flower. This is the beginning stages of the Kakadu Plum tree where soon enough the rain will come and these flowers will begin to show the first signs of fruit. Last year there were some horrific fires and much of the land was damaged, including these trees. Some of the trees look so worn, brown and to any common eye you may think they have died. But they haven’t. New shoots are coming through, new leaves and new life.